QCCU 2023 Semester One Workshops

QCCU actively contributes to the success of competitions hosted at the Smith School of Business by providing judges, delivering ‘How to Case’ presentations, and hosting workshops. If your club is interested in having QCCU support your conference/event, please contact Kerry Zheng (kerry.zheng@queensu.ca) or Rohan Atal (rohan.atal@queensu.ca).

A couple notable events from this year include:

QCC (September 23) - Members from QCCU prepared and delivered an introduction to Case Competition workshop for the Gold Stream and the Maroon stream.

SLBC (October) - Members from QCCU delivered a public speaking workshop with specific focus on how to crack the case for introductory level speakers.

COMM401 Presentations - This October, QCCU members delivered lectures to all sections of COMM101. The lecture included topics such as ‘How to Read a Case’, ‘How to Storyboard’ and ‘Case Financials’, and ultimately helped build a foundation for students as they navigated creating case presentations.

QLEAD (November 17) – Ten QCCU members stepped up to judge the preliminary and final round presentations, as well as deliver a ‘How to Case’ presentation. Similarly, members from QCCU attended a networking panel to represent Smith in front of the delegates which were present.

QSIA (Dec 1 Date of posting) Come check out members of QCCU as we will be partnering with QSIA to judge and provide workshops/panels on our way of approaching casing.